About Us
George Brown-Shepherd, owner and operator commenced trading as Maggnum Engineering in 1991 when a close friend of George’s requested him to do some repair work on a some vacuum pumps for Kraft farmers and supplies.
As a result of his high quality workmanship more requested for repair work came in,and George was soon doing work for Masport, and Boumatic pumps. As well as the industrial waste pumps he continues to do today.

In 1998, George in joint venture designed and manufactured his first diary vacuum pump called the Tech-line. He has manufactured and repaired thousands, nationally and internationally since it’s distribution.
2006 saw another pump designed and manufactured by George known as the maggna-tech™ to also service the diary industry, which contained it’s own 3 point oiling system.

Maggnum Engineerings work over the years has diversified and now provides customised and precision engineering services to irrigation suppliers, vintage engines and trains.
The name Maggnum is an acronym for the four names of George’s family. It was developed by including a letter from each member of his family; Maria – his wife, Annetta & Georgina – his daughters and of course George. The final three letters are from the location of the business - NUMurkah.
M-A-G-G- N-U-M