Maggnum Engineering specialises in manufacturing for the dairy and industrial vacuum pump industries and produces a wide range of vacuum pump options – from manufacturing, rebuilds and repair servicing both to the Australian and International market.

Rotary Vane Pumps
We specialize in:
Lobe Pumps
Liquid Ring Pumps
Industrial waste pumps
20-40 units with the magga-techâ„¢ pump
3 point oiling system
provide pump and/or oiling system only
Complete unit sold as:
electric motor, stand, non-return muffler, oiling system and vaccum pump.
pumps from 4000L of air, at 44kpa with 10hp electric motor.
We Also Do
They also offer a wide range of services to many other industry sectors and are well known for their customised and precision honing and boring. Maggnum Engineering provides high quality, customised manufacturing and repair solutions to; earth moving and excavation equipment, vintage engines, irrigation rain sensors and irrigation backflow metering systems.
Specialist honing on vintage engines from 4inch - 16inch
Manufacture piston rings for vintage engines
Bore and hone cylinders, and re-sleeve
Verticle CNC machining and horizontal borer
Large CNC lathe - Repair work on large pistons
Custom build crates and pump cabinets
Honing irrigation rain sensor enclosures
Customised earth moving and excavation equipment and repairs